Thématique(s) de Recherche :
Mes travaux de recherche se focalisent sur la diversité, l’écologie et la valorisation de la flore marine tropicale. Nos connaissances sur la diversité algale sont encore parcellaires. Or, les algues jouent un rôle écologique primordial en termes de biodiversité, de production primaire et de construction récifale.
Une partie de mes recherches porte donc sur l’étude de la diversité des peuplements algaux (macroalgues et cyanobactéries) à l’échelle de l’Indo-Pacifique par des approches de taxonomie intégrative (morphologie, génétique, métabolomique, microbiome) et de diversité multi-composante (spécifique, taxonomique et fonctionnelle). Ces approches multidisciplinaires et fonctionnelles sont essentielles pour comprendre la variabilité spatio-temporelle des assemblages algaux sous l’effet des perturbations naturelles et anthropiques (surpêche, pollution, maladies, etc.). J’ai ainsi réalisé de nombreux travaux sur les proliférations algales en milieu corallien.
En parallèle, je développe de nombreux projets sur la valorisation économique des algues. Il est pour moi fondamental de répondre aux questions sociétales à travers mes recherches et donc d’aider les gouvernements au développement économique de leur pays/territoires. Les algues représentent en effet d’importantes opportunités économiques et d’innovation, notamment dans le cadre du développement de l’économie bleue. La diversité des algues offre des potentialités de valorisation remarquables, en alimentation humaine, dans l’industrie des phycocolloïdes, dans le secteur de la santé et du bien-être, et les industries durables.
Publications :
Vieira C, Kawai H, Payri C, D’Hondt S, Millet L, De Clerck O and Zubia M (2022) Diversity and biogeography of French Polynesian Lobophora (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae). European Journal of Phycology. doi: 10.1080/09670262.2022.2092216 ; IF: 2.80
Vieira C., Schils T., Kawai H., D’Hondt S., Paiano M.O., Sherwood A.R., De Clerck O., Zubia M. Phylogenetic position of Newhousia (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) and the description of N. sumayensis sp. Nov from Guam. Phycologia. [IF: 2.857]
Vieira C., Faravavy R.A., Zubia M., Bolton J.J., Anderson R.J., Engelen A.H., D’Hondt S., Leliaert F., Payri C., Kawai H., De Clerck O., 2021. Lobophora (Dictyotales) from the western Indian Ocean: diversity and biogeography. South African Journal of Botany 142: 230-246. [IF: 2.315, WOS:000704388500028]
Vieira C., Akita S., Kim Y.S., Shimada S., Kawai H., Zubia M., 2021. First record of the genus Hildenbrandia (Hildenbrandiales, Floridophyceae) from French Polynesia and description of H. tahitiensis sp. nov. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity. [WOS:000744245500003].
Pearman J., von Ammon U., Laroche O., Zaiko A., Wood S., Zubia M., Planes S., Pochon X., 2020. Metabarcoding as a tool to enhance marine surveillance of non-indigenous species in tropical harbors: a case study in Tahiti. Environmental DNA
Fey P., Parravicini V., Bănaru D., Dierking J., Galzin R., Lebreton B., Meziane T., Polunin N.V.C., Zubia M., Letourneur Y. Multi-trophic marker analysis of a Marquesan food web highlights how reef ecosystems might respond to a warmer and nutrient-rich ocean future. Scientific Report 11 : 20950 [IF: 4.380, WOS:000711121600061]
Boo G.-H., Zubia M., Hughey J.R., Sherwood A.R., Fujii M.T., Boo S.M., Miller K.A., 2020. Complete mitochondrial genomes reveal population-level patterns in the widespread red alga Gelidiella fanii (Gelidiales, Rhodophyta). Frontiers in Marine Science, 10.3389/fmars.2020.583957. [IF: 4.912, WOS:000579827500001]
Chomérat N., Bilien G., Viallon J., Hervé F., Réveillon D., Henry K., Zubia M., Vieira C., Ung A., Gatti C., Roué M., Derrien A., Amzil Z., Darius H.T., Chinain M., 2020. Taxonomy and toxicity of a bloom-forming Ostreopsis species (Dinophyceae, Gonyaulacales) in Tahiti island (South Pacific Ocean): one step further towards resolving the identity of O. siamensis. Harmful Algae 98, 101888. [IF: 4.273, WOS:000583196800005]
Zubia M., Stiger-Pouvreau V., Mattio L., Payri C.E., Stewart H.L., 2020. A comprehensive review of the brown macroalgal genus Turbinaria J.V.Lamouroux (Fucales, Sargassaceae). Journal of Applied Phycology 32(5): 2743-2760. [IF: 3.215, WOS:000546220200003]
Fey P., Parravicini V., Lebreton B., Meziane T., Galzin R., Zubia M., Banaru D., Letourneur Y., 2020. Sources of organic matter in an atypical phytoplankton rich coral ecosystem, Marquesas Islands: composition and properties. Marine Biology 167: 1-13. [IF: 2.573, WOS:000540069000005]
Bonnard I., Bornancin L., Dalle K., Chinain M., Zubia M., Banaigs B., Roué M., 2020. Assessment of the chemical diversity and potential toxicity of benthic cyanobacterial blooms in the lagoon of Moorea Island (French Polynesia). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8(6): 406. [IF: 2.458, WOS:000550880000001]
Solanki H., Pierdet M., Thomas O.P., Zubia M., 2020. Insights into the metabolome of the cyanobacterium Leibleinia gracilis from the lagoon of Tahiti and first inspection of its variability. Metabolites 10(5): 215. [IF: 4.932, WOS:000539315800044]
Stiger-Pouvreau V., Zubia M., 2020. Macroalgal diversity for sustainable biotechnological development in French tropical overseas territories. Botanica Marina 63(1): 17-41. [IF: 1.843, WOS:000510453600003]
Theophilus T., Vieira C., Culioli G., Thomas O.P., N’Yeurt A.DR., Andréfouët S., Mattio L., Payri C., Zubia M., 2020. Dictyotaceae (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) species from French Polynesia: current knowledge and future research. Advances in Botanical Research 95 :163-211. [IF: 2.175]
Zubia M., Draisma S.G.A., Morrissey K.L., Varela-Alvarez E., De Clerck O., 2020. Concise review of the genus Caulerpa J.V.Lamouroux. Journal of Applied Phycology 32(1): 23-39. [IF: 3.215, WOS:000521187500003]
Zubia M., Thomas O.P., Soulet S., Demoy-Schneider M., Saulnier D., Connan S., Murphy E.C., Tintillier F., Stiger-Pouvreau V., Petek S., 2020. Potential of tropical macroalgae from French Polynesia for biotechnological applications. Journal of Applied Phycology 32(4): 2343-2362. [IF: 3.215, WOS:000489922500001]
Zubia M., Vieira C., Palinska K.A., Roué M., Gaertner J.C., Zloch I., Grellier M., Golubic S., 2019. Benthic cyanobacteria on coral reefs of Moorea Island (French Polynesia): diversity response to habitat quality. Hydrobiologia 843(1): 61-78. [IF: 2.694, WOS:000492039700005]
Loiseau N., Payri C.E., Mattio L., Andréfouët S., Grellier M., Zubia M., 2019. Functional convergence in macroalgal assemblages of isolated coral reefs in the Mozambique Channel. Marine Biology 166(3): 27. [IF: 2.573, WOS:000457428200004]
Guibert I., Bonnard I., Pochon X., Zubia M., Sidobre C., Lecellier G., Berteaux-Lecellier V., 2019. Differential effects of coral-giant clam assemblages on biofouling formation. Scientific Reports 9(1): 2675. [IF: 4.380, WOS:000459571100039]
Réveillon D., Tunin-Ley A., Grondin I., Othmani A., Zubia M., Bunet R., Turquet J., Culioli G., Briand J.F., 2018. Exploring the chemodiversity of tropical microalgae for the discovery of natural antifouling compounds. Journal of Applied Phycology 31(1), 319-333. [IF: 3.215, WOS:000458698200029]
Zubia M., Depetris M., Flores O., Turquet J., Cuet P., 2018. Macroalgae as a tool for assessing the ecological status of coral reefs under the Water Framework Directive: a case study on the reef flats of La Réunion (Indian Ocean). Marine Pollution Bulletin 137: 339-351. [IF: 5.553, WOS:000453490300039]
Leliaert F., Payo D.A., Gurgel C.F.D., Schils T., Draisma S.G.A., Saunders G.W., Kamiya M., Sherwood A.R., Lin S-M., Huisman J.M., Le Gall L., Anderson R.J., Bolton J.J., Mattio L., Zubia M., Spokes T., Vieira C., Coppejans E., D’hondt S., Verbruggen H., De Clerck O., 2018. Patterns and drivers of species diversity in the Indo-Pacific red seaweed Portieria. Journal of Biogeography 45(10): 2299-2313. [IF: 4.327, WOS:000452234900007]
Roulland E., Solanki H., Calabro K., Zubia M., Genta-Jouve G., Thomas O., 2018. Stereochemical study of Puna’auic acid, an allenic fatty acid from the Eastern IndoPacific cyanobacterium Pseudanabaena sp. Organic Letters 20(8): 2311-2314. [IF: 6.005, WOS:000430898200043]
Zubia M., De Clerck O., Leliaert F., Payri C., Mattio L., Vieira C., Cambert H., Quod J.P., Loiseau N., Golubic, S., Lin S.M., Shao-Lun L., Pinault M., 2018. Diversity and assemblage structure of tropical marine flora on lava flows of different ages. Aquatic Botany 144: 20-30. [IF: 2.473, WOS:000418310300003]
Zea Obando C., Linossier I., Dufossé L., Zubia M., Tunin-Ley A., Turquet J., Grondin I., Tremblay R., Fay F., Rehel K., 2017. Fatty acid profiling of tropical microalgae and cyanobacteria strains isolated from Southwest Indian Ocean Islands. Journal of Marine Biology and Aquaculture 3(2): 1-14.
Greff S., Thomas O., Zubia M., Payri C., Perez T., 2017. Chemogeography of the red macroalgae Asparagopsis: metabolomics, bioactivity, and relation to invasiveness. Metabolomics 13(4): 33. [IF: 4.290, WOS:000394544900002]
De Gaillande C., Payri C., Remoissenet G., Zubia M., 2017. Caulerpa consumption, nutritional value and farming in the Indo-Pacific region. Journal of Applied Phycology 29(5): 2249-2266. [IF: 3.215, WOS:000413299100012]
Mattio L., Zubia M., Maneveldt G.W., Anderson R.J., Bolton J.J., De Gaillande C., De Clerck O., Payri C.E., 2016. Marine flora of the Iles Eparses (Scattered Islands): A longitudinal transect through the Mozambique Channel. Acta Oecologica 72: 33-40. [IF: 1.674, WOS:000371838600004]
Zubia M., Turquet J., Golubic S., 2016. Benthic cyanobacteria diversity of Iles Eparses (Scattered Islands) in the Mozambique Channel. Acta Oecologica 72: 21-32. [IF: 1.674, WOS:000371838600003]
Le Lann K., Surget G., Couteau C., Coiffard L., Cérantola S., Gaillard F., Larnicol M., Zubia M., Guérard F., Poupart N., Stiger-Pouvreau V., 2016. Sunscreen, antioxidant, and bactericide capacities of phlorotannins from the brown macroalga Halidrys siliquosa. Journal of Applied Phycology 28(6): 3547-3559. [IF: 3.215, WOS:000390090300038]
Zea Obando C., Linossier I., Kervarec N., Zubia M., Turquet J., Fay F., Rehel K., 2016. Rapid identification of osmolytes in tropical microalgae and cyanobacteria by 1H HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy. Talanta 153: 372-380. [IF: 6.057, WOS:000376052900049]
Zubia M., Andréfouët S., Payri C., 2015. Distribution and biomass evaluation of drifting brown algae from Moorea Lagoon (French Polynesia) for eco-friendly agricultural use. Journal of Applied Phycology 27(3): 1277-1287. [IF: 3.215, WOS:000354087000025]
Greff S., Zubia M., Genta-Jouve G., Massi L., Perez T., Thomas O.P., 2014. Mahorones, Highly Brominated Cyclopentenones from the Red Alga Asparagopsis taxiformis. Journal of Natural Products 77(5): 1150-1155. [IF: 4.050, WOS:000336510700009]
Zubia M., Freile-Pelegrin Y., Robledo D., 2014. Photosynthesis, pigment composition and antioxidant defences in the red algae Gracilariopsis tenuifrons (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) under environmental stress. Journal of Applied Phycology 26(5): 2001-2010. [IF: 3.215, WOS:000343998400008]
Poupin J., Zubia M., Gravier-Bonnet N., Chabanet P., Malay M., 2013. Illustrated Checklist of the Decapoda at Europa Island. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 11(1): 1-25.
Poupin J., Zubia M., Gravier-Bonnet N., Chabanet P., Duhec A., 2013. Crustacea Decapoda of Glorieuses Islands, with notes on the distribution of the coconut crab (Birgus latro) in the western Indian Ocean. Marine Biodiversity Records 6: 1-12.
Mattio L., Zubia M., Loveday B., Crochelet E., Duong N., Payri C., Bhagooli R., Bolton J.J., 2013. Sargassum (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) in Mauritius and Reunion Island, Western Indian Ocean: Taxonomic revision and biogeography using hydrodynamic modelling. Phycologia 52(6): 578-594. [IF: 2.857, WOS:000333097500013]
Zubia M., Fabre M.S., Kerjean V., Deslandes E., 2009. Antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of some red algae (Rhodophyta) from Brittany coasts (France). Botanica Marina 52: 268-277. [IF: 1.843, WOS:000267573400010]
Zubia M., Fabre M.S., Kerjean V., Le Lann K., Stiger-Pouvreau V., Fauchon M., Deslandes E., 2009. Antioxidant and antitumoural activities of some Phaeophyta from Brittany coasts. Food Chemistry 116: 693-701. [IF: 7.514, WOS:000267229500016]
Zubia M., Payri C., Deslandes E., 2008. Alginate, mannitol, phenolic compounds and biological activities of two range-extending brown algae, Sargassum mangarevense and Turbinaria ornata (Phaeophyta: Fucales), from Tahiti (French Polynesia). Journal of Applied Phycology 20: 1033-1043. [IF: 3.215, WOS:000260956000004]
Zubia M., Robledo D., Freile-Pelegrin Y., 2007. Antioxidant activities in tropical marine macroalgae from the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico. Journal of Applied Phycology 19(5): 449-458. [IF: 3.215, WOS:000249205500008]
Andréfouët S., Zubia M., Payri C.E., 2004. Mapping and biomass estimation of the invasive brown algae Turbinaria ornata (Turner) J.Agardh and Sargassum mangarevense (Grunow) Setchell on heterogeneous Tahitian coral reefs using 4-meter resolution Ikonos satellite data. Coral Reefs 23: 26-38. [IF: 3.902, WOS:000220937200004]
Andréfouët S., Kramer P., Torres-Pulliza D., Joyce K.E., Hochberg E.J., Garza-Pérez R., Mumby P.J., Riegl B., Yamano H., White W.H., Zubia M., Brock J.C., Phinn S.R., Naseer A., Hatcher B.G., Muller-Karger F.E., 2003. Multi-site evaluation of IKONOS data for classification of tropical coral reef environments. Remote Sensing of Environment 88: 128-143. [IF: 10.164, WOS:000187078500011]
Zubia M., Payri C.E., Deslandes E., Guezennec J., 2003. Chemical composition of attached and drift specimens of Sargassum mangarevense and Turbinaria ornata (Phaeophyta: Fucales) from Tahiti, French Polynesia. Botanica Marina 46: 562-571. [IF: 1.843, WOS:000186660600009]
Zubia M., Peyrot-Clausade M., 2001. Internal bioerosion of Acropora formosa in La Réunion (Indian Ocean): microborer and macroborer activities. Oceanologica acta 24(3): 251-262. [IF: 1.823, WOS:000169637200004]