Thématique(s) de Recherche :
Island biology & biogeography; botany & plant ecology; tropical dry, wet and cloud forests & wetland
ecosystems; conservation science & ecological restoration; evolutionary biology & genetics; biological
invasions & weed ecology; palaeo-ecology & species extinction; native & alien flora and fauna of French
Polynesia (Austral, Gambier, Marquesas, Society, Tuamotu), Clipperton atoll, Rapa Nui (Easter Island) &
Motu Motiro Hiva (Salas y Gómez), Cook Islands (Southeastern Polynesia), Wallis et Futuna (Western
Polynesia); study and management of invasive alien plants in the Pacific Ocean (including Fiji, Hawaii,
Samoa, New Caledonia) & the Western Indian Ocean (La Réunion, Mauritius, Mayotte); impacts of climate
change on biodiversity; human-nature interactions; traditional ecological knowledge & bio-cultural values.
Publications :
TELLIER, E., POUTEAU, R., DRAKE, D.R. & MEYER, J.-Y. en préparation. Composition, structure and dynamics of lowland rainforests in the tropical islands of Wallis et Futuna (Western Polynesia, South Pacific), and impacts of past and current human activities. iForest.
GROS, L., MEYER, J.-Y., POUTEAU, R. & MARMEY, P. en préparation. Taxonomical and geographic distributions of native angiosperms in the islands of French Polynesia (South Pacific): an analysis based on the Nadeaud botanical database. Pacific Science.
SEELY, T., MEYER, J.-Y. & BATTLES, J. en préparation. Terrestrial LiDAR reveals invasive tree Miconia calvescens alters forest structure and regeneration but not diversity in hybrid rainforests of the island of Moorea, French Polynesia. Biotropica.
WEISS, W., BRESCIA, F., BAUDAT-FRANCESCHI, J., WITHERS, T., GHESTEMME, T., DE MONSTIERS, B., DUCATEZ, S., MEYER, J.-Y. & VIDAL, E. soumis. Invasive rodent eradications in French Pacific islands: a review and critical analysis. Pacific Conservation Biology.
PEAPLE, M., SKINNER, D. T., INGLIS, G. N., JOSHI, M., LANGDON, P., MATTHEWS, A. J., MEYER, J.-Y., OSBORN, T. J., SCAIFE, R. & SEAR, D. soumis. Cooler and drier climate in the South Pacific during the last glacial period. Nature Geoscience.
MEYER, J.-Y., FABRE BARROSO, S., MAZOYER, L., JORDAN, M., FRAISSE, J., TAPUTUARAI, R. & POUTEAU, R. soumis. Vulnerability and resilience of rainforests to plant invasions in a tropical island of the South Pacific: a sixteen years survey. Biodiversity and Conservation.
BUFFINGTON, A., KAHN, J., DOTTE-SAROUT, E., MEYER, J.-Y. & ESCUE, C. en révision. Defining the scope of the anthropogenic niche: woodland communities over a 1000-year sequence in the Society Islands (French Polynesia). Journal of Anthropological Archaeology.
GHILARDI, M., REVELLES, J., MEYER, J.-Y., MANTAVONI, C. & LECCHINI, D. en révision. Late Holocene landscape reconstruction of the lower ‘Opunohu valley, Mo’orea island (South Pacific) and its geoarchaeological implications. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.
FABRE BARROSO, S., FLORES, O., PALMAS, P., POUTEAU, R. & MEYER, J.-Y. 2023. A comparative study of the floristic diversity and structure of relictual littoral and swamp forests in the island of Tahiti (French Polynesia, South Pacific). Pacific Science 77(2-3): 233-251.